Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 31, 2014     In honor of Mary Silzer's  Birthday.

Just a note to add a couple new paintings to the blog.

Alone in Tahoe (16 x 20 (X)

The Guardians (12 x 36) (X)

Country Side (16 x 20)

Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014

Started to paint again after some travel.  i had hoped to photograph some interesting subject matter on a road trip from the mid-west home but took I 70 an was disappointed.   Any way here are two I worked on.

Sky over Old Muddy (16 x20) (X)

After the Storm (16 x 20)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 5, 2014

I wanted to post an effort in honor of Betty Ogawa, a Wife, Mother, Grandmother and a Great supporter of needed causes in the Bay Area (including one that I am donating these pictures to)
Pennsula Volunteers (Little House and Meals on Wheels)   Her kindness and devoted support in time and financial ways was remarkable.   She passed away to soon and will be missed by all.

I have tried to give my interpretation of a famous Japanese artist in her memory.

Water Fall (30 x 40)