Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29th.

Started a new canvas (60 x 40) using my interpretation of a floating Lotus.   I will probably let it set for a while to see how the color of paint drys and decide what to do.

Lotus floating (60 x 40 )

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27th.   Tied to do one today using yellow ochre, purple, white. indian yellow and aquamarine blue.  Just a little landscape in freestyle to see the results.    Also added the one from yesterday which is my interpretation of a horizontal view of one I did yesterday of the canyon.

Canyon II  (30 x 40)

Mountain View (18 x 24)

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014

Started this learning journey 6 months ago.   I am enjoying the experience very much.   At times, like yesterday I started a painting and it did not go well. After attempting several times to correct it, I covered it over today and did the following.   Yesterday I also touched up the one from Wednesday and added it to today's posting.  I keep trying to use various styles and colors in the learning process.  Time will tell.  Hopefully I will and am looking forward to finding something that I feel real comfortable with and can develop a consistent look with several subjects.

Contemporary Flower (30 x 40)

Canyon Falls  (30 x 40)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014
Went to the Contemporary Art Exhibit in San Jose two weekends ago and saw an expensive painting in  black and white with a touch of red.   Thought I would try one.

Waterfalls  (16 x 20)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16,  2014

For some reason I thought I would try another tree canvas.    This time smaller and more like some of the Birch Trees I have seen.    So today Here is Birch Trees.  I've used more white on these then before.   Birch and Aspens are very similar.

Birch Trees  (20 x 24)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014    Tried another Aspen painting,    Less trees and smaller canvas.   Hopefully this one will be available for the Meals on Wheels fundraiser.

Aspen 2  (30 x 40)
My painting experience is progressing and I think I'm learning more in the way of application and patience.  I am taking more time to review the subject matter and trying to let the canvas color come out before finishing.   It amazing how the color changes as it drys.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 12, 2014

A friend who is a true fine artist told me to be careful of using green.   In my last few days I have been trying to portray a few trees etc.   Yesterday I tried a form of tree, bamboo, using green.   Here is the experiment.

Bamboo (24 x 30)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 19, 2014

I've attempted to try some trees using different color and style.  I'm still using different brushes, subject matter and colors, trying to find out what seems to work well.  As a well know sculpture in the area told me. She has her students us all sorts of different hammers and tools (heavy and light) to see what finally becomes the best for the individual.  I'm trying that with painting.   Haven't found out yet but still trying.

I did find one painting from several months ago that I did early on of a woman.

Gladys  16 X 20

Lone Tree  16 x 20

Day Redwoods  (24 x 30)

Morning Aspens  2 (30 x 49 panels)
Black & White try (16 x 20)

Night Redwoods  (24 x 30)