Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dec. 12,  2014

An effort for Mr. Matthew Harrison who took a few of my paintings (likes contemporary) and I wanted to do something that he might like and enjoy.  The lighting available when I took a cell phone picture was not the greatest.

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5, 2014

Tried just to put some paint on canvas and produced the following:  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Eve.    Thought I would post some of the practice paintings I tried this month.

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014

An interpretation of a scene from Tanzania and an attempt at a contemporary image.

(30 x40) Secured (x)

Birds in a Tree

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014

Forgot to add one from last month.    Into each life a little rain will fall.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Some subject matter from the last week or so..

Asian Departure

Simple Subject


Monster Falls

Lazy River

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23, 2014

Tried something with darker colors yesterday and one today from a pic at yellowstone.

Looking out (16 x 20)
Yellowstone (12 x 24) (X)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17,  cont'd

Forgot to add one from August and a redo of one several months ago::

(18 x 20)  

(18 x 20)
September 17,  2014

Almost a year since I starting this learning process..   I'm glad I am doing this and it has been a wonderful experience.   I often think I should have started a long time ago.    I am having fun and learning something new is exciting.     Latest attempt was prompted by a request.

(30 x 40)  Resting (X)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30, 2014

As the summer winds down I have tried to slow down and not complete a painting in one sitting.  I don't know why but when i start I just want to keep going until I complete at least a pass at what I was trying to create.   Any way  here are the last of the August attempts.

(16 x 20)  Coastal Trees

(18 x 24)  Purple Mountains
(24 x 30)  Near Cape Cod

Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21, 2014

Started to work on different types of subjects this week and produced the following.

A study in Red (16 x 20)

Darker Colors (16 x 20)

(16 x 20) Darker Colors ll

The Falls ll  (30 x 40)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 6,  2104

Thought I would add another that I did today,,,,,  Enjoy working with the colors.

(16 x 20) Country Side ll

August 6, 2014

Something different in my quest to learn about painting:     Who knows what will come out..

(30 x 40) The Falls 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 31, 2014     In honor of Mary Silzer's  Birthday.

Just a note to add a couple new paintings to the blog.

Alone in Tahoe (16 x 20 (X)

The Guardians (12 x 36) (X)

Country Side (16 x 20)

Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014

Started to paint again after some travel.  i had hoped to photograph some interesting subject matter on a road trip from the mid-west home but took I 70 an was disappointed.   Any way here are two I worked on.

Sky over Old Muddy (16 x20) (X)

After the Storm (16 x 20)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 5, 2014

I wanted to post an effort in honor of Betty Ogawa, a Wife, Mother, Grandmother and a Great supporter of needed causes in the Bay Area (including one that I am donating these pictures to)
Pennsula Volunteers (Little House and Meals on Wheels)   Her kindness and devoted support in time and financial ways was remarkable.   She passed away to soon and will be missed by all.

I have tried to give my interpretation of a famous Japanese artist in her memory.

Water Fall (30 x 40)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 28th,  2014

Still trying to develop the brush and color coordinations.  Tried some different subject matter.

Monuments !16 x 20)

Canyon Falls (16 x 20)

Iguazu Falls (16 x 20)

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23,2014

The post for today is a lesson in patience.  I've tried to realize that I can devote more time and do not have to finish a painting in one effort.   The following is one I did over several hours covering two days.  (I get a chance to paint in the afternoons from about 2 to 4:30).  I am glad that I have listened to my artist friend and have devoted more time to my lessons.

A Yard (24 x 30)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21,  2014  Summer Solstice

Took my time for this one and devoted two days of three hours each to try and slow down.  I took a few breaks in between to observe the progress.   Anyway  here it is.

Canyon (24x 30)

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014

Trying to get a handle on slowing down my efforts.   It seems that when I start a new subject and get going I find it hard to stop and take a breath.   I want to continue and finish what I started which doesn't lend itself to a more detailed product.   I am learning and hope to relax and take my time.  

Yesterday I tried to just work on black and white and produced the following.

By the Sea ( 24 x 30)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

Tried something new today.   little still life with boats at the pier.     Dark background and color..

All Tied Up  (16 x20)

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014

Tried a beach scene today using less bold colors,

Secured for the day (16 x 20)

Fathers Day June 15, 2014

Tried some different style and subject matter to learn about technique and color in different ways.

 (18 x20)  Slough near Moss Landing

(24 x 30)  Arazon Canyon

Nevada Canyon (16 x 20)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014

Posting a couple efforts over the last few days:    Using Indian Yellow,  etc.

Near Thunder River Africa (18 x 24) (X)

Near Moss landing CA  (16 x 20)